Ronald van der Lee

About Ronald van der Lee
My name is Ronald van der Lee (1973) and I warmly welcome you to my learning space in Breda. In this learning space, I train you in remembering and embodying your ever-enlightened nature to express it in your life.
I have a background as an ICT entrepeneur. After studying computer science, I founded and managed three software companies as CEO: Trinc, Easyflex and Flexwrapp. In 2010, I came into contact with Zijnsoriëntatie through a Zijnsoriëntatie counseler in Breda. Her guidance inspired me to participate in the three-year base training at the School for Zijnsoriëntatie where I went through an intense and profound process of self-discovery and realization.
Convinced by my own experiences, I began the Teacher’s Program Zijnsoriëntatie in 2014. Initially I wanted to fill my role as CEO in a being-oriented way, but during teacher training I fell so for the beauty of guiding people from this vision that I decided to take a radical turn in my life. This led me to leave my life as an entrepreneur and CEO behind in March 2016 to focus fully on guiding and training people who, like me, also want to walk a spiritual path of enlightened living.
In recent years I have been deeply inspired by Zijnsoriëntatie a spiritual path of enlightened living. By walking this path, I have experienced that there is a dimension in me that is inherently happy and not determined by any circumstances.
Zijnsoriëntatie is my path and way of life. I want to pass on this wonderful vision developed by Hans Knibbe to anyone who wants to recognize their enlightened nature and live in connection with other people.
From 2020, I will be working as a path mentor at the School for Zijnsoriëntatie and from September 2022 I will be one of the teachers of the Base Training. I am also a teacher of Spirit Year which I developed together with Esther Hamers for young adults.
Ronald van der Lee is a registered member of the Professional Association of Teachers of Zijnsoriëntatie .
The professional association was founded in 2001 to continuously promote and monitor the quality of the teaching profession. To make this happen, the professional association has developed, among other things, a professional profile, a code of conduct and a complaint regulation to which all members must adhere.
In addition, the professional association is also a meeting place where teachers of Being Orientation can maintain and further develop the quality of their professional practice.
CRKBO Registration
Leerruimte Zijnsoriëntatie – Ronald van der Lee is registered in the CRKBO register and complies with the quality code for educational institutions in short vocational education.

“There is a great treasure within us. An inexhaustible source of wealth, love and clarity.”
Hans knibbe