Individual counseling
About individual counseling
The starting point in individual counseling is that there is a dimension in you that is free and completely unharmed. You are not the person you think you have become from your history. This premise works deeply into individual path counseling. As a student, you are invited and challenged to look at situations in your life and work with yourself from a higher perspective. By learning to rest with the way things are, you can begin to discover what you deeply want and every situation becomes fuel for your path of enlightened living.
The reason you might consider individual guidance is that the integration of freedom, the embodiment of freedom, is difficult, or perhaps you are not satisfied with where you are in life and you don’t know what you want in certain situations or which direction you want to go.

Procedure for new students
If you would like to be in individual counseling, please use the form below to sign up. We will contact you soon to invite you for a no-obligation introductory interview. Here you can tell why you are considering a trajectory, you will be told what the vision and methods are, and you can determine for yourself whether you would like to enter into a trajectory.
A course starts with a block of five sessions. After each block, we evaluate with each other and see what the appropriate next step is for you. Individual counseling takes place at least once every three weeks during a block.
For whom.
Individual counseling is accessible to you:
- If you are not yet familiar with Zijnsoriëntatie, but are open to the Zijnsoriëntatie vision and practices and are willing to (learn to) meditate;
- If you have taken a course, training or path guidance in a group at this learning space;
- If you are currently following offerings from this learning space;
- If you are a student of the School for Zijnsoriëntatie (after consultation)

Practical information
General information
Coaching days on location or online
Tuesday and Thursday
Kloosterlaan 138a
4811 EE Breda
Guidance days online*
Wednesday and Friday
* Online tutoring is generally only for students with whom this has been coordinated or is appropriate. If you haven’t discussed this yet, please get in touch.
Ronald van der Lee
Private individual
€110,- including VAT
Young adults (18 to 25 years old)
€55 including VAT
Independent Professionals
€110 excluding VAT
€110 excluding VAT
Other information
Rates are applicable from
Sept. 1, 2023. A session lasts 1 hour with a possible extension of 15 minutes.
Cancellation Policy
An appointment can be cancelled free of charge at least 24 hours in advance.
Book your appointment for individual counseling on location at Zuiderlicht Breda here
Book your online appointment for individual counseling here
Learn more
Are you considering going into individual counseling? If so, it would be nice if we could meet in person first. Request more information here and we will contact you soon.
“Seek nothing outside you, seek nothing within you.
Let be what is, without making it into ‘something.'”
Hans Knibbe