Being a director means daring to be lonely
It was 5 p.m. sometime in November 2008 and all the people from my company were lingering and seemed to be waiting for each other.
It was 5 p.m. sometime in November 2008 and all the people from my company were lingering and seemed to be waiting for each other.
“There is a great treasure within us. An inexhaustible source of wealth, love and clarity.”
Hans Knibbe
Kloosterlaan 138a
4811 EE Breda
KVK 87189283
VAT ID NL004370674B29
IBAN NL34 RABO 0199 6311 66
This learning space is affiliated with the School for Zijnsoriëntatie, founded in 1987 by Hans Knibbe. The school is the only, official institute for Zijnsoriëntatie, located in the center of Utrecht in the Netherlands.